Pisa Italy Attractions

Pisa Top Attractions – Visit Pisa In A Day

During our three-day getaway in Tuscany, we dedicated a few hours to explore Pisa, fitting in some of its most important landmarks. One day is enough to experience the essence of Pisa, allowing you to dedicate the rest of your time to nearby Florence or other charming Tuscan towns. Florence Attractions – A Travel Guide …

Pisa Italy Attractions

Pisa Obiective Turistice – Ce Vizitezi o Zi in Pisa?

In timpul mini-vacantei de 3 zile pe care am petrecut-o in Toscana, Pisa si-a facut loc pentru cateva ore in itinerariul nostru, timp in care am vizitat cateva dintre cele mai importante obiective turistice. Este suficient sa va alocati o zi pentru Pisa, iar restul timpului puteti sa-l dedicati orasului vecin, Florenta, sau altor orase …