Central Park New York Obiective Turistice

Central Park Guide: Iconic Landmarks and Must-Try Activities

New York wouldn’t be the same without Central Park, and Central Park wouldn’t exist without New York. We’re talking about the most famous park in the world—a true green refuge in the middle of one of the busiest urban metropolises. For me, strolling through Central Park was one of the most anticipated moments of my …

Central Park New York Obiective Turistice

Central Park, New York – Activitati, Atractii si Locuri Emblematice

New York nu exista fara Central Park si viceversa. Vorbim despre cel mai popular parc din lume, un adevarat refugiu verde in mijlocul uneia dintre cele mai agitate metropole urbane. Pentru mine, plimbarea prin Central Park a fost unul dintre cele mai asteptate momente ale vacantei la New York. Chiar daca, la baza, este un …

Manhattan New York Accomodation

Where to Stay in New York: Top Neighborhoods and Areas to Avoid

Finding accommodation in New York is a challenge in the truest sense of the word. Not because there aren’t enough hotels, but because finding the perfect balance between price, location, and amenities feels almost impossible in a city like this. After extensive searching, I concluded that making a decision without any compromise is far from …

Manhattan New York Accomodation

Cazarea in New York – Unde Sa Te Cazezi Si Ce Sa Eviti

Gasirea unei cazari in New York este o provocare in adevaratul sens al cuvantului. Nu pentru ca n-ar fi destule hoteluri, ci pentru ca gasirea unui echilibru perfect intre pret, zona si facilitati, este o misiune imposibila intr-un oras ca acesta. Dupa indelungi cautari, am ajuns la concluzia ca luarea unei decizii fara nicio urma …

Empire State New York Obiective Turistice

New York City for First-Time Visitors – Top 25 Must-See Attractions

New York City is a global icon, attracting millions of tourists annually. With its abundance of landmarks and attractions, planning a trip can be overwhelming. From towering skyscrapers to historic bridges, famous parks, and world-class museums, the city offers something for everyone. Here’s a curated list of 25 must-see attractions in New York City to …

Empire State New York Obiective Turistice

Obiective Turistice In New York – Top 25 Atractii cu Imagini

Obiectivele turistice din New York sunt emblema acestui oras, care atrage milioane turisti din toate colturile lumii. Pe cat de ofertante sunt atractiile din New York, pe atat de grea e decizia de a alege pe care dintre ele sa le vizitezi intr-o vacanta. Sunt foarte multe, iar timpul este, pentru cei mai multi dintre …

Brooklyn Bridge New York Obiective Turistice

New York DIY – Cum Mi-Am Planificat Singura Vacanta In NYC

O vacanta DIY (do-it-yourself) in New York ar putea parea coplesitoare din punct de vedere al planificarii. Internetul este plin de informatii si pareri, asa ca devine destul de dificila filtrarea lor. Cel putin, acesta a fost unul dintre lucrurile de care eu m-am lovit atunci cand am inceput sa organizez aceasta plecare. Sunt extrem …

Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Bradul de Craciun din Rockefeller Center

Rockefeller Christmas Tree: Best Tips for an Unforgettable Experience

Christmas in New York City is a magical experience that feels straight out of a fairytale. Among the city’s many festive traditions, the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony stands out as the highlight of the holiday season. Since 1933, this event has symbolized the start of the winter celebrations and attracts visitors from around …

Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Bradul de Craciun din Rockefeller Center

Bradul de Craciun din Rockefeller Center – Ce Trebuie Sa Stii

Craciunul in New York este o adevarata poveste plina de magie, si o experienta care trebuie traita, cel putin o data in viata. Punctul culminant al sezonului festiv este, desigur, aprinderea bradului de Craciun din Rockefeller Center. Inca din 1933, acest moment marcheaza startul sarbatorilor de iarna, si aduce laolalta oameni din toate colturile lumii. …

The Plata New York City Christmas Obiective Turistice

New York Christmas Wonderland: The Most Festive Places to See

A Christmas vacation in New York City wouldn’t be complete without the festive decorations that transform the city into a magical wonderland. During the holiday season, New York becomes a scene straight out of a Christmas movie, with carols filling the streets, dazzling store displays, and bustling Christmas markets. Having visited NYC in December, I …