Caminito del Rey: Spain’s Most Scenic Hiking Adventure

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Caminito del Rey is one of Spain’s most renowned hiking trails and among the most breathtaking in Europe. Once considered the most dangerous trail in the world, it has since been adapted and refurbished, making it safe and accessible for anyone to enjoy today. The trail spans approximately 7.7 km and passes through the stunning Gaitanes Gorge, offering views that will leave you speechless.

The trail’s name, which translates to “The King’s Path” in English, was given after a visit by a king to the area. However, as our guide explained, despite its regal name, the king never actually hiked the trail himself. He only visited the location briefly for an official event that lasted just a few minutes.

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Caminito del Rey Malaga Drumetie
Caminito del Rey Malaga Drumetie

1. How to Get to Caminito del Rey

Caminito del Rey is located in the town of El Chorro, around 60 km from Málaga. You can reach it by car or by train. If you opt to rent a car, as we did, you’ll be pleased to know that there are plenty of parking spaces near both trail entrances. The roads are well-marked and easy to follow, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding the trail.

Alternatively, you can join an organized tour, which takes care of transportation for you. Below are two excellent options you can consider for a hassle-free experience.

Caminito del Rey Malaga
Caminito del Rey Malaga

2. Trail Entrances

Caminito del Rey has two main entrances: the Northern Entrance (Ardales) and the Southern Entrance (El Chorro). The primary starting point is at the northern entrance, as this is where the trail officially begins. If you start from the southern entrance, you’ll be walking in reverse and won’t experience the entire trail, as it is located closer to the end, but not quite at the finish. We don’t recommend this option because you’ll be walking against the flow of visitors coming from the northern entrance, meaning you’ll often have to wait for others to pass before you can continue.

It’s important to note that from the Northern Entrance, you’ll need to walk about 1.5 km before you reach the actual starting point of the trail.

Caminito del Rey Malaga
Caminito del Rey Spain
Caminito del Rey Spain

3. Is Caminito del Rey Dangerous?

Despite its notorious past, Caminito del Rey is now a safe trail that almost anyone can hike with ease. The difficulty level is low because all you need to do is walk and enjoy the scenery. Staff are present throughout the trail to ensure that everyone wears a protective helmet and follows the rules. However, if you have a fear of heights, this trail might not be for you, as much of it is elevated. That said, I believe even those with mild acrophobia will find the trail manageable, as it is easy to navigate, and the mesmerizing views will likely distract you from any fear.

Caminito del Rey Spain

4. Tickets

It’s crucial to book your tickets in advance because spots fill up quickly, and you may not be able to find a ticket on short notice. As mentioned earlier, this is one of Europe’s most popular hiking trails, so the number of tourists is significant. A ticket costs €10 if you want to hike on your own, or €18 if you prefer a guided tour. We opted for the guided tour but wouldn’t recommend it. The hike takes much longer in a group because there are frequent stops for explanations, and the pace is quite slow as the guide has to wait for everyone. You can book tickets here online.

Caminito del Rey Spain

5. How Long Does it Take to Hike Caminito del Rey?

We completed the hike in about an hour at a moderate pace, including stops to admire the landscape and take photos. In general, it shouldn’t take more than 2 hours to complete the entire trail.

Caminito del Rey Malaga
Caminito del Rey

6. Best time to Visit Caminito del Rey

The ideal time to visit Caminito del Rey is during spring or fall, which coincides with the best time to visit Andalusia as well. We did the hike in early June, and it was very hot. Winter isn’t recommended, as there’s a good chance the trail will be closed due to weather conditions.

If you plan to visit in summer, it’s best to book your tickets for the morning or at least before noon, to avoid the intense midday heat.

Caminito del Rey

Useful Tips for Caminito del Rey

  • Wear appropriate clothing: Dress in sportswear suitable for hiking.
  • Use sunscreen: If visiting during summer, be sure to apply sunscreen, as the sun can be very intense.
  • Bring water: There are no places to buy water along the trail, so be sure to carry enough with you.

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Happy hiking! 🥰

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